The Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at Smita Hospital is a dedicated 8-bed unit equipped with state-of-the-art monitoring and diagnostic equipment. Managed 24/7 by a team of internationally trained Paediatric Intensive Care doctors and Nurses who stand for ethical and evidence-based practices.

The pediatric critical care wing at Smita Hospital is one of the most advanced facilities of its kind in the region and the first in the district of Idukki. The PICU  is equipped  with a facility to provide advanced pediatric ventilation, Invasive hemodynamic monitoring&latest diagnostic equipment to ensure the best possible treatment for critically ill infants, children, and adolescents up to 14 years of age which ensures the best possible outcomes


Equipped with advanced technology, our multidisciplinary team includes qualified pediatric intensivists, Neonatologists, Cardiologists, nephrologists, neurologists, Hemato-oncologists, Surgeons, dieticians, physiotherapists, and Paediatric trained nurses. Our family-centered care approach ensures that you are kept up-to-date about your child’s condition and receive the information you need to make informed choices about their care.



We have state of an art 8 bedded PICU with the latest equipment & infrastructure with a 1:1 nurse-to-patient ratio.  Critically sick children are under continuous observation of our trained and qualified nurses who have experience in managing such cases. We treat an array of conditions from medical illnesses like complicated pneumonia, meningoencephalitis, and ARDS to surgical conditions like Polytrauma, traumatic brain injury, and other surgical illnesses including postoperative care. Facilities available are as follows


  • Conventional and advanced invasive ventilation
  • CPAP
  • High flow nasal oxygen therapy
  • Invasive haemodynamic monitoring
  • Capnography
  • Round the clock bedside X ray, Sonography and 2 D Echo
  • EEG Monitoring
  • Round the clock imaging services including MRI and CT .
  • Robust back up with State of Art blood bank and other laboratory services.
  • Infection control &Surveillance policies


  • Management of various complex /Congenital conditions
  • IEM & Other Metabolic emergencies
  • Neurological emergencies
  • Drug overdose & poisoning
  • Sepsis with multiorgan failure
  • Haematological malignancies & emergencies
  • Management of AKI and renal failure
  • Management of Polytrauma
  • Postoperative management of neurological cases
  • Postoperative management of Pediatric surgical cases
  • Total parenteral nutrition
  • Point of care bedside laboratory testing

Dr. Sachin Mathew Jose

Paediatric Critical Care